Zirconia Block
The product is casted by cold isostatic pressing and pre-sintering process with ZrO2 as the main
composition, used for making the crowns, bridges(HS HT up to 6 units with a maximum of 2 pontics next to
one another) (AT≤3units), inlays and veneers of the fixed partial denture.
1. Product Information
Type: Type II
2. Technical Parameters
Technical Data
Place the Zirconia Block in CAD/CAM machine by following the machine manufacturer’s instructions.
When milling is completed, remove block from CAD/CAM machine. Detach framework from the zirconia
block with a diamond bur. Clean the framework (Only white shade zirconia block needs to be colored.
Pre-shaded zirconia block doesn’t need coloring). Dry the framework fully and then place the framework
with a sintering tray into the oven to sinter.
Program the furnace according to the instruction manual and follow the sintering chart.
Do not remove sintered framework until it completely cools down. Examine wall thickness, margin fit and
seat fit of the sintered framework. If necessary, make minor adjustments with a water-cooling diamond tool.
Wall thickness should be no less than 0.7mm and connectors no thinner than 9mm2.
Rinse sintered framework with water and dry completely. The framework is now ready for veneering.
4. Contraindication
In common with all full - ceramic restoration, zirconium oxide frameworks are not suitable for suffering from bruxism.
In case where space is restricted or the preparation is unsuitable, an alternative form of restoration should be chosen.
5. Storage
Store blocks at room temperature.
For storage, please put it in a clean and dry room. In transportation, moving and storage, please avoid
violent extrusion, vibration and hard collision.
6. Warnings
The product is a dedicated ceramic material for dentistry and shall be placed out of the reach of
children. Do not inhale dust. Do not get dust into eyes or have prolonged contact directly with the skin.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks, and lab coats are recommended in order
to avoid possible contact and irritation to skin or eyes during processing.
No toxic side effect and no radiation. Silicosis may be incurred when mass dust is inhaled.